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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week Three- Day Four

So this marks the end of day four and the end of the first day of the second week.  Today it seems that everything fell apart.  There we some communication errors and don't get me wrong we were all to blame.  But it is something that can cause issues.  Almost all of our schedule was scrapped again, but again its because of a communication error.

Considering what happened today I think we all handled it well.  Tomorrow we called for a staff meeting in the morning to address a few things that need to be taken care of and hopefully that will fix things. 

Lauren and I finish planning through next week, and we are going to try to stay a week ahead of everything, just to make things easy.  Which is perfectly fine with me.. So hopefully we will see what happens after tomorrow, I'm sure your all dying to know, right?

A little family update, Today was my grandfathers birthday, so Happy Birthday Grandpa!  And apparently my entire family ended up sick over the weekend...interesting in know, I not just talking mom and dad, but grandma grandpa aunt and uncle all ended up sick....weird, considering that they don't really see each other all that often.  So that is how my week started, and I am going to do everything in my power to make it better by Friday. 

I had time to mull over a lot of ideas today while my aunt and I walked tonight, so hopefully my operator will like them and take then into consideration...

until the next time...

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