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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New look on life

By now most of you know that yesterday my mother passed away.  She has...had Breast Cancer.  I have been depressed ever since.  Its a hard thing to get over, and watching someone die is a hard thing to do, it can change people.  So getting used to not talking to her is difficult.  I am having a hard time with that.  Like today.  I couldn't find my box of checks and I dialed my mother's cell phone number and realized that she wouldn't answer.  That will take some time to get used to.  The people that knew her have been so supportive of our family.

I have issues with going into her bedroom, I really only do it if someone is already in there....bad memory for me.

I am trying my hardest to forget the image of my mother dying. Noe something easily forgotten.  Friday will be hard. Of course.  But I am trying to have another outlook on life

I know that this will be hard and sad but I need to do what is good for my life.  I am going to finish school, find that man that my mother would approve of and live my life the way that she would want to.  I will eventually get there.  Most people would say that it is really early to say things like that, but it is what she would want.  I am excepting to be sad for a while, and the same goes for my family.  Its hard to believe that she was here sunday and not here yesterday.  

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